
June results AddSecure Eco-Driving Challenge

Ahréns making good improvements in our Eco-Driving Challenge. See the leaderboard below!

Ahréns making good improvements in the AddSecure Eco-Driving Challenge!

Among the 135 teams in the Challenge, there were 43 teams that managed to improve the average eco-driving index during June. The company that had the greatest improvement was the Swedish company Ahréns Åkeri who improved the average index with 5,3 among its 103 drivers (with team KST 74 improving 6,7). Other companies with good improvements were Alfredssons Transport (2,6), Forslunds Bulktransporter (1,6), Wiréns (1,6), RL-Trans (1,3), Remiks (1,3), Falköpings Kyltransporter (1,2) and Bruneel (1,1). We congratulate for the nice develpments! Despite these good results, the average Eco-Driving index dropped from 69,5 to to 69,1.

See below the results for each country and category!

A drop in the average driver performance in June

In June we noted a small drop from 69,5 to 69,1 as average Eco-Driving index.


See below the leaderboard regarding best improvement the last month.

The companies/teams with the highest average index last month are presented in the table below.

The companies/teams with the best Eco-Driving Momentum last month are presented in the table below (improvement x number of drivers).

Contact us if you want to know more about our solutions for Eco-Driving!